Times-Picayune March 15, 1916
Destroy Both Annexes of Hotel and Two Residences; Loss Set at $25,000.
Amite City, La., March 14.--This place was visited by a very disastrous fire today at 10 o'clock, and for an hour or more the flames spread rapidly, entailing a property loss estimated at $25,000.
The fire originated in the right annex in the Campbell Hotel, one of the oldest hostelries in Amite City. Before being discovered the flames had gained great headway and the fire department was badly handicapped. The bucket brigade did good work, in the absence of regular fire fighting apparatus. A strong wind from the southwest fanned the fire, until at one time it looked as though the entire section visited would be destroyed.
The main building of the hotel was saved, but both of the annexes went up in smoke. Situated near, and practically adjoining the right annex, wa a residence owned by Dr. G.O. Sanders. This was destroyed. The residence owned by the Atkinson estate and occupied by Joseph Palmier, on the corner of Oak and Laurel streets, was burned. The home of Louis Lefevre was saved, also the residences across the street from the scene of the conflagration.
Dr. J.R. Johnson's residence was discovered on fire shortly after the hotel but by aid of citizens it was saved.
Assistance was summoned from Hammond and the fire company there sent an engine and twenty-five men, the motor truck making the run of sixteen miles in less than forty minutes. Before the arrival of the Hammond firemen, the flames practically had been subdued. The Illinois Central sent a freight engine here from Hammond and the water in the tender was utilized by the bucket brigade.
Insurance carried will amount to perhaps one-third of the total loss. Mrs. Campbell, proprietor of the hotel, lost $150 in cash, besides losing all furnishings, etc., in several rooms. Arthur Bender, manager of Campbell's Opera House, had $2,000 in currency in his room, but this was saved by Joe Ogle, who boarded at the hotel.
The question of waterworks was discussed at a meeting of the icty council Monday night and the fire today will prove a stimulant toward getting this much needed improvement here. It is understood that the council approved the plans of X.A. Kramer, of Magnolia, Miss., for the installation of a system of waterworks at an expenditure of about $50,000. The election to get the sense of the voters will be held at an early date. It is believed that the taxpayers will vote waterworks